January 23, 2023 – School Board Minutes

POSTED: January 23, 2023

SPECIAL MEETING – January 23, 2023

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Eastern Allamakee CSD was held in Room N110 at Kee High School, Lansing, Iowa on Monday, January 23, 2023 at 5:56 p.m.

Board Members Present:  Tony Becker, Bobbie Goetzinger, Melanie Mauss, Kelli Mudderman, and Arla Wagner.  Also, present Dr. Sarah Murray, Kee High and Middle School Principal.  Michele Martin, Board Secretary, absent.  Visitors:  None

The meeting was called to order by Bobbie Goetzinger, Board President.

AGENDA ADOPTION:  A motion was made by Wagner and seconded by Mudderman to adopt the agenda as presented.  The vote was all ayes. Motion carried.

APPROVE SPANISH WAIVER FOR 2022-2023:  A motion was made by Becker and seconded by Mauss to approve Spanish waiver for 2022-2023.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:59 p.m. with the vote all ayes.  Motion carried.


Bobbie Goetzinger, Board President


Michele Martin, Board Secretary